5 de maio de 2010

1º Ano Aula de Inglês 05/05/2010 II Unidade

Modelo High School

Date___ / ___ / 2010

Student:_________________________________ group (level):__________

Subject: English

Teacher: Nádja Ladeia Camardelli

Read the text: We’re all housekeepers !

Plante a tree… use recicled paper… don’t waste fuel… save water…

Keep your engine well adjusted… walk… don’t wear fur, drugs…

Use biodegradable products. In this way we can keep our house in order.

(Time, April 27,1992)

Consult the vocab

To waste  desperdiçar; fuel  combustível; to keep  manter

in this way  desta forma; fur  casaco feito com pele de animais silvestres

A – About the text.

1- Now score ( R ) Right (certo)

( W ) Wrong (errado) according to the text

( ) We don’t wear fur.

( ) Don’t preserve the nature.

( ) Polution is good for man.

( ) We are all housekeepers !

( ) Walking is good for health.

2- Answer the question about the text:(responda)

a) What are we ? __________________________________

b) Write 3 things to defend our planet (earth):




c) Write 2 things that we can’t make: __________________________________

B – Grammar points

3- Fill in with the simple present to be:

a) Naira __________ from Brazil but her parents __________ from Chile.

b) I __________ the best.

c) My brother and I __________ students.

d) It __________ four o’clock now.

4- An or A ?

a) ______ secretary b) ______ ice c) ______ idea

d) ______ farm c) ______ auto f) ______ ulcer

g) ______ gate h) ______office i) ______ hacker

5- Change to imperative in negative form:

a) Smoke here ! ________________________________ .

b) Cheat the tests ! ________________________________ .

c) Destroy the tests ! ________________________________ .

d) Pay the bills ! ________________________________ .

6- Write in past. After change to interrogative and negative forms:

a) I ______ very well. ( past to be )

I - _________________________________

N - ________________________________

b) Henri _______ my teacher. ( past to be )

I - _________________________________

N - ________________________________

c) Mateus and Julia _______ late. ( past to be )

I - _________________________________

N - ________________________________

7- Match the sentences:

(A) Seja eficiente !                                             ( ) Do someone smiling !

(B) Seja esperto !                                              ( ) Be funny !

(C) Seja engraçado !                                        ( ) Get so well !

(D) Salve o planeta Terra !                               ( ) Be efficient !

(E) Fique bem !                                                ( ) Protect life !

(F) Plante árvores !                                           ( ) Be smart !

(G) Faça alguém sorrir !                                    ( ) Save earth !

(H) Proteja a vida !                                           ( ) Plant trees

                                                                                                                  Good luck for you !

                                                                                                                      Teacher Nádja

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