3 de março de 2010

Revisão Verb To Be- 1º Ano

     Colégio Modelo
       10 ANOS
Educando Cidadãos para a vida!
Guanambi – Bahia

Disciplina: Inglês Profª: Nádja Kelly Ladeia Camardelli         Série: 1º          


Aluno (a):____________________________________

Verb To Be

Full Forms of the verb to be

I am a student.

He is a teacher.

She is a journalist.

It is a book.

We are mechanics.

You are pilots.

They are policemen.

Contracted forms of the verb to be

I'm a student.

He's a teacher.

She's a journalist.

It's a book.

We're mechanics.

You're pilots.

They're policemen.

The verb to be - exercise

01 .Chose the correct form of the verb to be - am/is/are.

1. It _____cold today.

2. I ________at home now.

3. They ________Korean.

4. There ________a pen on the desk.

5. My name _____Nikita.

6. We _____from Ukraine.

The verb to be - more practice

02. Click on the words in the correct order to make

positive sentences with the verb to be.

1 years I old. twenty-five am

2 We Venezuela. from are

3 name a student. is I'm My and Anton

4 my is book. This

5 nice day It's a today.

6 name Her Paul. brother's is

7 an is John engineer.

8 My is Johansson. husband's name.

To be - negative forms and contractions

Full negative forms of the verb to be

I am not a singer.

He is not a receptionist.

She is not a nurse.

It is not my book.

We are not not musicians.

You are not a shop assistant.

They are not taxi drivers.

Contracted negative forms of the verb to be

I'm not a singer.

He isn't a receptionist.

She isn't a nurse.

It isn't my book.

We aren't not musicians.

You aren't a shop assistant.

They aren't taxi drivers.

03.Negative forms of the verb to be - exercise

Complete the gaps with the negative forms of the verb to be.

Example: She isn´t from France.

1. This book ____mine.

2. Jane and Peter _______married.

3. That _______right.

4. My brother _________here at the moment.

5. We __________in England.

6. It _________Monday today.

04.Negative forms of the verb to be - more practice

Make the positive sentences negatives.


I am a student.

1. This exercise is difficult.
2. We're from Spain.
3. My grandmother's name's Adelaide.
4. The kids are in the garden.
5. You're English.
6. My car is very expensive.

Yes / no questions with the verb to be - exercise

05.Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be - am, is, are.

1. __________Jane and Alice sisters?

2. ____________this car yours?

3. ________I in your way?

4. ________Maria John's sister?
5. _____you twenty-five years old?

Yes / no questions with the verb to be - more practice

Am I right?

Is he here?

Is she a nurse?

Is it second-hand?

Are we wrong?

Are you Alan Parker?

Are they American?

06.Put in the correct order to make positive sentences with the verb to be.

1 hot? Are you

2 book? your Is this
3 the Mr. Peters from States? Is Unites
4 married? Are they
5 Am I wrong? or right
6 Sandra? name Is your daughter's
7 you and Mrs. Jenkins? Are Mr.

7. Write a text using the verb to be

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