Colégio Modelo
Educando Cidadãos para a vida!
Guanambi – Bahia
Disciplina: Inglês Profª: Nádja Kelly Ladeia Camardelli Série: 3º Vesp.
Aluno (a):____________________________________
Diagnostic Test - Reading and Comprehension
Looking for a job
(Rich) So, Angie, have you made up your mind about what kind of job you want?
(Angie) Nope. I’m still going through the employment pages in the newspapers, but I haven’t seen anything interesting yet.
(Rich) Didn’t you want to work for a big company?
(Angie) Yes, but that was last month… I’ve talked to my cousin Tony - he works for a large multinational. The perks are good, but I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk all day!
(Rich) Really? Not even with a big salary and the job security?
(Angie) Well, of course a big salary is attractive!... But how safe can an office job really be? You could be laid off any minute.
(Rich) That’s true. But still, a well-paid job with health and dental plan… The opportunity to be promoted after a while… Think about it!
(Angie) I know… I’m just not sure that that’s what I want anymore. I’ve talked to some of Tony’s friends who work for small startups... Their jobs sound so exciting!
(Rich) Why is that?
(Anna) Well, they have a lot more freedom to create and to implement their ideas. You’re responsible for many different things and learn a lot. Tony’s friends said that you usually have to wear many different hats when you work for a startup.
(Rich) But on the other hand…
(Anna) On the other hand, startups can be unstable, pay is usually lower than in a big company and the hours can be crazy. I don’t know what I’m gonna do… I guess I’ll mull this over for a while and try to talk to a few more people before I make a decision!
make up (your) mind = tomar uma decisão
perk = algum benefício “não oficial” de um trabalho (por exemplo, carro da empresa)
stuck behind a desk = preso atrás de uma mesa
be laid off = ser mandado embora
startup = uma empresa que foi formada / começou a funcionar há pouco tempo
wear different hats = (idiom, literalmente: “vestir chapeus diferentes”) exercer várias funções, fazer várias coisas diferentes em uma situação
the hours = as horas da jornada de trabalho, o horário de expediente
mull (something) over = considerar, ponderar algo]
Teste sua compreensão:
Q.1) Qual é a sentença verdadeira?
A. Rich and Angie are talking about career possibilities.
B. Angie knows exactly what she wants for her career.
C. Rich is excited about working in a startup.
D. Rich thinks a job in a big company doesn't pay well.
Q.2) Qual é a alternativa falsa?
A. Angie thinks a job in a startup could be exciting.
B. Rich prefers the security of a job in a big company.
C. Angie has talked to her cousin's friends
Q.3) Assinale a alternativa que descreve as características de um emprego em uma empresa grande, de acordo com o texto:
A. You get health and dental plans and have to wear many different hats.
B. You have job security and the freedom to create.
C. You get a big salary and the perks are good.
D. You get lower pay and the hours are crazy.
Q.4) Rich says that a job in a big company offers security, and Angie...
A. agrees with him.
B. decides to look for an office job.
C. thinks startups are safer than big companies.
D. thinks that there isn't any real security
5) Qual é a alternativa verdadeira?
A. Rich likes the idea of working for a big company but was convinced by Angie that a startup job offers bigger rewards.
B. Angie is excited about the possibility of working in a startup but she'll give it some more thought before she decides what to do.
C. Tony's friends talked to Angie about the experience of working for big companies.
D. Angie has found a few interesting possibilities while reading newspapers.
Good Luck !!!
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